Creating a Timecard Manually

A timecard can be created from the Toolbar in the Timecard Search Results pane. Select View > Timecards from the menu bar. The Timecard Search Results screen opens.

To create a new Timecard manually

  1. Click New > Timecard from the menu bar. The New Timecard screen opens.
  1. Click on the Employee droplist, and then click on the employee that you are creating the timecard for.
  2. Enter the date in the Clock-in field. The timecard now displays the same date value in the Clock-out field as the Clock-in entry by default.
  1. Adjust the Total hours slider bar if the value is more or less than the screen display of 8.0 hours (default).
  2. Click OK.

Note: The clock-in start time will default to the start time set up in Configure > Work Hours from the menu bar.  The duration defaults to 8 hours.
Alternately, click the Clock-in calendar icon. The current month calendar screen opens. The current date is highlighted by default. Click the day to select. The Clock-in and Clock-out date fields display the date that you selected. The Clock-in and Clock-out time are default to what is configured in the location Work Hours settings.









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